Friday, March 9, 2012

Wasting Time

         Has it ever occurred to you how beautiful the world is?  When was the last time you stopped and just looked at something, a tree, a flower, a cloud, the sunset, the way that smoke curls in wisps, how sunlight reflects off of water?  Do we even notice these things anymore, or are we too wrapped up in our own little worlds?
         It seems that we never have enough time.  We have too little time to do what we have to do, and certainly none to spare.  We don’t have a day to take a vacation.  We don’t have an hour to spend with friends or family.  We don’t have five minutes to chat.  We absolutely cannot spend a few moments—less than a minute—to look at something lovely.
         I just don’t have time.  How often do we use that excuse?  How many times in a day do we say that, to ourselves and everyone around us?  How much time do we waste explaining why we don’t have any?  And why do we try, day in and day out, to convince ourselves that there simply is no time, no time to live, no time to love, no time to care, no time to try, no time to matter, because time is all that matters, and we simply don’t have it?
         If instead of wasting time by bemoaning the lack thereof, how much would we have to spend, or better yet invest in the things that truly matter?

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